We all have sayings that we heard over and over again as we were growing up. Maybe it was parents, maybe grandparents, maybe older siblings – or a combination of all of them. Perhaps some of those sayings were carried forward from many past generations. Do you hear yourself using a time-honoured proverb that you promised yourself you wouldn’t use with your children?
Family sayings make and keep memories alive. They are quotes that capture memorable moments and keep ancestors present with us.

Elizabeth and Jean, two close sisters, came up with an idea to pass the sayings along to their children. They often texted a quote from their father or mother to each other, and it usually brought smiles to both of their faces

They each made a list of the sayings they remembered, and then they shared it. An online search of sayings from the decades when they were children gave them a few more ideas, and friends gave them others. After putting all of them together, they had over 250, and decided that there were around 50 that were worth saving for their kids, so they prioritized them and kept the best. To preserve the memories, they created a book that captures those repeatable lines for future generations to repeat, laugh about, and make their own
Each page of the book had a few sayings, and a few photos were added to make those sayings come alive. Each of their children got a copy for Christmas, and they were all thrilled.
“A job that’s worth doing, is worth doing well”, their Dad often said to them. This is a job they did really well!!